Airan and Luke Receive 20 Year Sentence

We have been made aware of the hearings held on the evening of August the 7th in which Airan and Luke entered a guilty plea and each received a 20-year sentence.

While the Berry and Denman family are very disappointed to learn that Airan and Luke were unable to receive counsel from their attorneys and other standard procedures were not followed, our concern now is for their well-being.

With the trial behind us, we are now focused on assuring that during their detainment their rights are adhered to. This includes humane treatment, access to adequate medical care, communication with their families and attorneys.

The Berry and Denman families are extremely grateful for the continued support and involvement of Gov. Bill Richardson and his continuing efforts to bring Airan and Luke home.

Luke and Airan hear charges being brought against them shortly after their capture

Luke and Airan hear charges being brought against them shortly after their capture


Airan and Luke Visited by UN Rep


Two of Citgo6 Released to House Arrest